You’ve heard it time and time again: it’s important to eat healthily and exercise regularly if you want to stay sharp. But, while it’s true that a healthy lifestyle can help you maintain better cognitive function as you age, that doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want and expect the same results. There are certain foods and drinks that can actually impair your brain function, and it’s important to know what those are so that you can avoid them. Here Are the Worst Foods for Your Brain: Highly Processed Foods The foods that you eat affect more than just your waistline. Excess sugarRead More →

Mental health conditions are treatable and manageable. It’s possible to overcome mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, phobias, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders with therapy, medication, or both. But let’s be clear: Mental illness is serious. It should not be ignored. Mental health can be a tricky topic to talk about, especially for younger generations. But it’s important to discuss it because mental health affects everyone, and it’s important to find strategies that work best for each of us. Sharing your feelings is the best way to help your loved one or friend and reflect on your own coping skills. Moreover, there isRead More →

Leftovers are sometimes perceived as a cooking sin. They’re seen as an extravagance when preparing a meal for the family, and the idea of eating leftover food is seen as being lazy or wasteful. While many families may frown upon leftovers, they come with some nutritional benefits. Leftover food can be an important part of a healthy diet. Today’s food technology has made it possible to enjoy a meal without eating the same food again. Facts on Leftovers You Can Freeze Leftovers More Than Once Food safety is essential to any healthy diet. Food poisoning can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Some foodsRead More →

Mental health disorders are very real, and millions of people experience them in the United States alone. But sadly, mental health problems are still stigmatized, meaning that people with mental health concerns are often kept from seeking treatment or treated unfairly when they do. According to the CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people in America are twice as likely to have a mental illness as to have cancer. Yet, despite these numbers, most people with mental health concerns still fear getting help. As a result, the mental health system is often misunderstood, with many people thinking it’s for “crazy” people. The stigmaRead More →

A healthy lifestyle is all about balance. We want the delicious meals that make us happy, but we also want to eat food that gives us the nutrients we need for a healthy body. With so many food options available to consumers, choosing what to eat can sometimes feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! Eating nutritious foods can be easy, especially if you choose to eat frozen foods—which most people don’t realize are full of nutritional value. Eating nutritious meals may seem like a daunting task for busy professionals. After all, who has time to stand over a hot stove and cook mealsRead More →

Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. CBD oil, a cannabinoid derived from cannabis, has been shown to have many therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety and inflammation and treating seizures. CBD oil is also being studied for its potential to treat other conditions, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. With so many potential benefits, it’s no wonder that sites like Blessed CBD, and its CBD oil products, are becoming increasingly popular. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before using CBD oil. So, here is what you need to know: What is CBD Oil and Where Does it Come From?Read More →

Wearables have become so popular that many people are wearing them 24/7. Smartwatches and fitness bands are worn for entertainment, fitness, and general health. People are taking their health seriously enough to want to measure everything from heart rate to sleep quality. Concepts like wearable technologies and electronic health records (EHR) will be increasingly intertwined, as they can improve each other’s capabilities. That’s why it makes sense to view them as complementary technologies: they are designed to work together to improve health care. For example, EHR systems can create a searchable, longitudinal history of a patient’s health, and wearables can monitor vital signs like heartRead More →

If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you’ve probably noticed that we’re big fans of lasers. We’ve been a proponent of dental lasers from our laser tattoo removal side for years. More recently, we’ve been fascinated by their potential to provide some of the same benefits as true lasers, without the high cost, adverse side effects, and risks. We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Laser Dentistry of Boston (LDB), one of the fastest-growing dental implant practices in the country, to bring you more information on the incredible benefits of dental lasers. Laser dentistry has been around since the early 1960s and isRead More →

There are natural and, technological, device-based ways to boost your vagal tone. What we mean by vagal tone is the way people can stimulate vagus nerve for the associated health benefits. Let us consider 5 ways that will tone our vagus nerve to maintain a healthier and younger body. Electronic Device By electronic device, we refer you to the tVNS Stimulator. This pocket-sized little marvel will, for just 15 minutes per day, stimulate your vagus nerve. What is a vagus nerve? Well, also known as the 10th cranial nerve or the X cranial nerve, it is the longest and most complex of your cranial nerves.Read More →