Some healthcare experts believe that certain healthcare services are provided to help a person maintain good health and well-being. Some people may not think these services are needed, but they could be very beneficial. The types of healthcare services available can help motivate a person to comply with a health program. Healthcare programs have various components, the most common being health education and support groups. If you need medical assistance, your first instinct may be to pick up the phone and call your primary care doctor or local hospital. They’ll offer 24/7 emergency care, but they may not be the best resource when it comesRead More →

What are blood clots? Blood clots are a common occurrence in the human body. If a blood clot is not treated in time, it can cause serious damage to the surrounding tissue and even death. But, what exactly is a blood clot? A blood clot is a group of blood cells that stick together, forming a mass. They are commonly found in the deep veins of the legs and arms. When the clots get dislodged, they will usually cause pain. Once the clots are removed, the pain usually goes away. Your blood clotting abilities are crucial to your health and general wellbeing, as a mildRead More →

Wearables have become so popular that many people are wearing them 24/7. Smartwatches and fitness bands are worn for entertainment, fitness, and general health. People are taking their health seriously enough to want to measure everything from heart rate to sleep quality. Concepts like wearable technologies and electronic health records (EHR) will be increasingly intertwined, as they can improve each other’s capabilities. That’s why it makes sense to view them as complementary technologies: they are designed to work together to improve health care. For example, EHR systems can create a searchable, longitudinal history of a patient’s health, and wearables can monitor vital signs like heartRead More →

If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you’ve probably noticed that we’re big fans of lasers. We’ve been a proponent of dental lasers from our laser tattoo removal side for years. More recently, we’ve been fascinated by their potential to provide some of the same benefits as true lasers, without the high cost, adverse side effects, and risks. We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Laser Dentistry of Boston (LDB), one of the fastest-growing dental implant practices in the country, to bring you more information on the incredible benefits of dental lasers. Laser dentistry has been around since the early 1960s and isRead More →

There are natural and, technological, device-based ways to boost your vagal tone. What we mean by vagal tone is the way people can stimulate vagus nerve for the associated health benefits. Let us consider 5 ways that will tone our vagus nerve to maintain a healthier and younger body. Electronic Device By electronic device, we refer you to the tVNS Stimulator. This pocket-sized little marvel will, for just 15 minutes per day, stimulate your vagus nerve. What is a vagus nerve? Well, also known as the 10th cranial nerve or the X cranial nerve, it is the longest and most complex of your cranial nerves.Read More →

When it comes to our oral health, we will rely on ourselves and our dentist. We can help ourselves by regularly brushing our teeth, and our dentist can regularly check to see that our brushing has proved effective. If you are looking for a dentist right now, then dentfixTurkey exists as one that will offer a range of treatments from preventative, to restorative, to cosmetic. We can maintain the all-around health of our teeth with their help. Our teeth can look white and healthy and feel healthy because they are not giving us pain or sensitivity. What Causes Tooth Decay? Tooth decay is defined asRead More →

The underlying causes of fibromyalgia are not yet fully understood. There are various theories on the disorder, and some say it can be caused by a virus or autoimmune disease, while others believe it has more to do with genetics and environmental factors. Some believe that it’s caused by a malfunctioning nervous system, while others think stress plays a major role in the development of this disease. Some medical professionals question if fibromyalgia even exists at all as a legitimate disease in the first place. The National Fibromyalgia Association believes that there is no scientific evidence or long-term data to support it. What is Fibromyalgia?Read More →

While there are a number of different products that claim to help aid in pain relief, from traditional medicines like opiates to modern pharmaceuticals like ibuprofen, CBD oil is quickly becoming a popular choice (although some people prefer oral options like those seen on Delta Munchies and other sites). When we talk about oral options for CBD, we tend to find a myriad number of popular options online and offline. From baked goods like pastries, chocolate bars to edibles candy, you can find it all – only if you have the right eye for it! There are a number of reasons for this, but theRead More →

Cold sores are an infection that affects the mouth and lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus. They appear as a cluster of blisters, usually red, and may have some scabbing around the edges. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and most treatments focus on preventing outbreaks from happening.   What Causes Cold Sores? Cold sores occur when the human body is exposed to a virus closely related to Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus usually arrives in contact with an open sore or through saliva and can reside on the lips for several hours or days before it is transmittedRead More →

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the most famous cannabinoids in the marijuana plant and can be used in multiple ways from infused chocolate to a disposable vape pen. This compound is known for its ability to relax and soothe the body. One of the most popular uses for CBD is to treat insomnia, a disorder that affects millions of people every year. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that CBD can effectively treat insomnia. While most insomnia sufferers tend to opt for strains containing THC – such as top shelf weed – there is a growing market for those whoRead More →